We are a female led organization dedicated to accelerating the application of financial literacy and civil advocacy for the socio-economic and political development of Nigeria.




43 Anthony Enahoro Street, Utako, Abuja.


Who We Are

Citizens Hub is a Nigerian based not-for-profit in the front-line of advocacy and mobilization for financial literacy, increased women and youth’s political participation. We work across Nigeria and target women, youths and other marginalized groups. We envision a society where women, youths and other marginalized groups have equal opportunity to contribute to building the society they live and making decisions that affect them. Our mission is to, through collaborative efforts, advance equal opportunity for women, girls and youths, empower them to use their voices and access economic opportunities without limitations.

  • Core values: Our core values of Discipline, Integrity, Perseverance & Giving back are central to our essence as an organisation.

We are registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission.

Strategy: We approach everything we do at Citizens Hub with a plan to Inform, Motivate & Connect to empower responsible, active and financially independent Citizens.

Inform – Provide accurate & sufficient information to effectively empower with relevant skills & knowledge

Motivate – Inspire empowered aspirations and stimulate impactful actions to achieve aims

Connect – Engage in valuable interactions that will deliver support-based progress.

This three-part approach guides how we drive our dynamic pathways to empowerment, each established in our core principles, tailored to deliver on unique aims in diverse contexts.

Ready to Get Started?